Town Hall Can Thaw the Seattle Freeze

Nov 14, 2019 | Feature, Town Crier

The gloomy weather is rolling into the city as winter approaches. It’s gloomy enough for Seattle to be named the nation’s gloomiest city. That’s pretty gloomy. Adding to it? The Seattle Freeze. The widely held belief that it’s hard to make friends in Seattle has its own Wikipedia page. There have been studies done about it. Half of all the residents of Washington don’t want to talk to you. KING5 covered the phenomena this very week.

What is one to do? Might we suggest coming to a Town Hall event? It’s where community comes together. It’s where voices can be heard. YOUR voice can be heard.

Let us revel, for a moment, in this intrepid Seattleite who recently attended our Just Food program. They went to it…with a new friend! GASP! And had a great time! GADZOOKS!

We can learn a thing or two from The Spider Queen. We can be open to new experiences and new people at any time. We can find new things to be passionate about. We can find practical and direct ways to use those things that mean something to us to improve our community as a whole. Town Hall’s here for that.

Here are a handful of events in the coming weeks where you, too, can revel in the thawing out process at Town Hall:

11/19: Richard Louv – A talk on how connecting with animals can transform our lives. (Humans are animals, too)

11/25: Piano Ki Avaaz – A chamber music concert is a wonderful way to connect. Revel in the music!

12/7: Civic Saturday – A place to come together in civic community, be inspired and encouraged to reflect and connect.

12/12: Rabbi Michael Lerner – Drawing from his book Revolutionary Love, Lerner proposes a globalization of generosity, prophetic empathy, and environmental sanity.

Those are but a few of the many events Town Hall has planned in the coming months. Regardless of what events you attend at Town Hall, join us at our Otto Bar before or after the event to have a drink, commiserate, debate, chat, laugh with friends new or old.

Get out of the cold, friends. Come to Town Hall. Let’s come together, warm-hearted and nimble-minded, and melt the freeze. 

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Rental Partner: Seattle Theatre Group presents

Colin Meloy

A Solo Performance at Town Hall