About Us
Town Hall Policies
Our policies are designed to support the safety of all patrons, presenters, and staff at Town Hall. Our community code of conduct aims to help everyone feels welcome, included, and able to take part in our collective creativity and conversations.
All policies are subject to change at any time without prior notice.
Building Policies
Updated August, 2024
- Town Hall staff will treat all patrons in a professional and courteous manner.
- All patrons are asked to comply with requests from Town Hall staff regarding facility operations and emergency response procedures.
- Town Hall allows small bags (purses, handbags, totes, diaper bags, etc.) into the venue for all Town Hall-produced events. Note: Some events may have different bag policies; always review individual event web pages for specific bag policy information.
- Town Hall is on privately owned property; firearms and weapons of any kind, regardless of licenses or permits, are strictly prohibited.
- In accordance with Washington state law RCW 70.160, Town Hall is a non-smoking facility and the use of tobacco products, vape pens, or e-cigarettes are prohibited.
- Service animals are welcome at Town Hall; pets and other animals are not permitted.
- Acts of disruption, protest, violence, threats, personal attacks, and any other actions construed as intending to disturb or harm Town Hall’s guests, staff, operations, or property will result in immediate ejection from the premises.
- Guests are not allowed to bring their own alcohol, and any alcohol purchased at Town Hall must be consumed on the premises in a safe and responsible manner. Town Hall staff will refuse sale to impaired or underage guests.
- Flags, signs, and blunt objects of any kind are strictly prohibited.
- Flyer distribution, petitions, and signature-gathering initiatives are not allowed at Town Hall-produced events, and all petitioners will be directed to the public sidewalk. (If you represent a community group that would like to table at a Town Hall-produced program, please see our tabling guidelines.)
- We ask that event attendees please refrain from wearing strong perfumes in consideration of our scent-sensitive patrons.
Town Hall staff may intervene where necessary to help ensure that the above expectations are met. Guests who choose not to abide by these policies will be subject to ejection and may also be in violation of city ordinances resulting in possible arrest and prosecution.
Health & Safety
Updated August, 2024
Masking is welcomed for all patrons, presenters, and employees. Some speakers or rental partners may require masking at their event; please carefully review the website description of each event prior to attending.
Please do not attend any events if you feel sick, have tested positive for COVID-19, or have any of the following symptoms:
- Cough
- Sore throat
- Shortness of breath
- Trouble breathing
- Fever or chills
- Loss of smell or taste
Please contact patronservices@townhallseattle.org for any questions related to ticketing. If your ticket was not purchased through Town Hall Seattle (in the case of certain rental events), please contact the organization directly for their ticketing and refund policies.
Building Operations
The Town Hall building has a modern HVAC system (installed in 2019) that incorporates increased air circulation and improved fresh air intake. Filters throughout the building are replaced on a regular maintenance schedule.
For all visitors to the building:
- Touch-free hand sanitizer stations are installed at the entrances, and hand sanitizer dispensers are located throughout the facility.
- Complimentary disposable masks are available at the Box Office.
Community Code of Conduct
Updated September, 2023
- We believe that, together, we can model the kind of society we want to share. Therefore, we ask ourselves to embrace curiosity, engage thoughtfully with complicated conversations, maintain space for differing points of view, remain open to continual learning, and–above all–to treat one another with respect and kindness. Alongside this approach to creating a welcoming space, we want to make several tenets explicit:
- Hate speech is prohibited on our stages and within our spaces. Hate speech is speech that attacks, threatens, or insults a person or group on the basis of sex, gender, race, sexuality, disability, age, religion, country of origin or background. If you experience hate speech while visiting Town Hall, please speak to a member of our staff or e-mail us at access@townhallseattle.org so that we can take action.
- Harassment will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, intimidation or bullying, uninvited physical contact, stalking or following visitors, and verbal comments that reinforce systems of oppression (related to sex, gender, race, sexuality, disability, age, religion, background, or any other identity). If you experience harassment, please speak to a member of our staff or e-mail us at access@townhallseattle.org so that we can take action.
- When we disagree on a topic or are challenged by ideas, we’ll do so with empathy and civility. A wide breadth of perspectives, ideas, and philosophies are presented at Town Hall–and we value this diversity of thought. Town Hall exists as a non-partisan space where people can bring ideas into broad public consideration; we don’t expect to agree with every proposition or approach, but we agree to maintain empathy and civility when we disagree. Note: As outlined in the above bulletpoints, an individual’s or community’s civil rights or humanity are never open to challenge.
Thank you! In partnership, we can create and nurture an inclusive environment where everyone’s voice can be heard.
Have a question?
We are here to help!
Contact Patron Services at patronservices@townhallseattle.org
Patron Services is open from 12-5 Tuesday-Thursday, or one hour before all Town Hall produced events.
Upcoming Events
Rental Partner: Fever presents
Candlelight Concert
Tribute to Queen and More
Rental Partner: Fever presents
Candlelight Concert
Best of Metal
Rental Partner: Fever presents
Candlelight Concert
Valentine's Day