Introducing: Unlearning with Lindsey T.H. Jackson

Nov 18, 2024 | Editorial, Town Hall News

Dear friends,

I’m thrilled to introduce you to our newest curator here at Town Hall Seattle, Lindsey T.H. Jackson. Lindsey and I first met through Leadership Tomorrow, a program dedicated to catalyzing leaders across sectors. Inside of 30 minutes, I could see that Lindsey is a person who knows exactly what she wants — and what she hopes the world can be. The kind of person who believes deeply in humanity, justice, and coming together. And the kind of person who refuses to compromise her values (Case in point: Lindsey told me she once turned down a growth opportunity for her company, LTHJ Global, upon learning that the collaborator’s values didn’t align with hers.).  

Lindsey’s authenticity and leadership are truly inspiring. That’s why I’m so proud that Town Hall is partnering with LTHJ Global to present Lindsey’s Unlearning series. This series isn’t just about hearing ideas — it’s about experiencing real conversations that challenge us. Each event brings together thought leaders to dive deep into today’s most pressing topics like racism, misogyny, and ableism, leaving space for big questions and even bigger dreams. 

The questions raised by Unlearning events won’t always have easy answers, or any answers, for that matter. And that’s the point. One of Town Hall’s hopes is that the building serves as a space for all feelings; joy, curiosity, grief, discomfort. We love sharing feel-good moments together, and we also know it’s vital to our shared humanity to feel uncomfortable and explore tough conversations head-on. Town Hall is a safe space to grow, challenge your own perspectives, and leave with a renewed sense of purpose. 

From left to right: Headshots of Lindsey T.H. Jackson, Dr. Moya Bailey, Amelia Ransom, and Fleur Larsen.
From left to right: Lindsey T.H. Jackson, Dr. Moya Bailey, Amelia Ransom, and Fleur Larsen, who will join us at Town Hall for a panel discussion on Thursday, 11/21.

The first conversation in the Unlearning series will tackle Misogynoir: The Intersection of Misogyny and Anti-Blackness on Thursday, 11/21 at 7:30pm. I hope you can join us for what promises to be a deeply insightful evening. 

With gratitude,

Kate Nagle-Caraluzzo, Executive Director

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