Every year our Distilled fundraiser captures the essence of Town Hall’s programming—the big ideas, the amplification of community voices, and the collaboration with organizations on a local or...
Town Hall Receives Additional $1M in 2018 Supplemental State Capital Budget
Governor Inslee recently signed the 2018 Supplemental State Capital Budget, which includes $1 million for the renovation of our historic building. Town Hall is deeply grateful to the Washington...
Take Town Hall With You Wherever You Go
Town Hall is always looking for ways to make our programs even more accessible—from livestreaming sold-out programs, to making our talks freely available through our media library and podcasts. With...
April is National Volunteer Month
April is National Volunteer Month, and Town Hall would \like to say thank you to everyone who has volunteered with usl. Volunteers make our events possible, introduce new people to Town Hall, and...
Distilled Tickets are on sale now!
Inside/Out has introduced us to new community members and given us the opportunity to confront and overcome new challenges—and we've felt the support of you, our Members, every step of the way. Your...
Spring Construction Update
Our friends at Rafn Construction have been using these scaffolds to give the Great Hall a face lift, accessing the ceiling to install new molding and lovingly remove the stained glass windows for...
Crooked Yet Strong
Fun Fact: One of the columns above our portico is misaligned (and has been since the 2001 Nisqually Earthquake). Don’t worry, it’s structurally sound, but this unique view atop the temporary scaffolding gives us a rare glimpse of this little quirk.
Staff Spotlight: Grant P.H. Barber
Name: Grant P.H. Barber Position: Development Manager How long have you worked at Town Hall? I’ve been here just over two years and have held a few different roles. As Development Manager, I steward...
The Renovation Continues
If you’ve passed near our historic First Hill home on 8th Ave and Seneca in the last few weeks, you may have seen the scaffolding that’s gone up around Town Hall’s façade. It’s been thrilling to see...