
April is National Volunteer Month

Apr 16, 2018 | Announcement, Town Hall News

April is National Volunteer Month, and Town Hall would \like to say thank you to everyone who has volunteered with usl.  Volunteers make our events possible, introduce new people to Town Hall, and offer invaluable support in our offices. More than 120 of you dedicate your time and efforts to help our community–thank you!

We spoke with a few of our most steadfast volunteers about their experience with Town Hall:

I learned about Town Hall shortly before moving to Seattle in January 2014 and I just knew it would be a place I would feel at home.  I love being involved with such a vibrant, vital community organization. Town Hall always makes me feel valued as a member and a volunteer. It’s my happy place.” -Wendy

I like that I can volunteer for author talks, radio shows, spelling bees, children’s concerts . . .  I can also choose to stay for the event or not, and/or leave early to catch a bus. . . Both the staff and the volunteers are interesting people, and most times I learn something from them during the shift. For the most part, people who attend events appreciate that we are volunteers and are doing our best to make sure they have a good experience.” –Sarah Horrigan

“I started volunteering when I moved here. So far it’s been one of the best decisions I’ve made in a long time. I look at Town Hall as my “food” for thought. So I have dinner there a lot.” -Lucy Bauer

Thank you! If you’re interested in volunteering with Town Hall, we’re currently looking for:

  • Photographers to capture our events. Enjoy free tickets and insider access to our events, and help us document this amazing year spent Inside/Out. Interested? Contact: marcom@townhallseattle.org
  • Volunteers to table at events, helping patrons become new members, answering questions, and sharing your love for Town Hall. Interested parties should contact: membership@townhallseattle.org

Volunteers to support our events at the box office, check-in, as well as ushering and assisting patrons. Interested parties should contact: production@townhallseattle.org

Upcoming Events

Rental Partner: Seattle Arts & Lectures presents

Percival Everett

"James" — Reimagining and American Classic

Rental Partner: University of Washington Office of Public Lectures presents


Blending America’s Rural and Urban Music Traditions