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Town Crier

Movin’ Around the World: Winter

Town Hall is eager to be present at the coming “One Big Neighborhood” festival (2/16-2/22). It’s being put on by Northwest Folklife and the Seattle Center. We’ll have a table there on Saturday (2/16). Come on by and make a zine with us! The multi-day festival is a youth and family program that provides opportunities to share and sustain the vitality of folk, ethnic, and traditional arts for present and future generations.

Rah, Rah, Rah, Sis Boom Bah

The Super Bowl is this Sunday. The New England Patriots will be battling the Los Angeles Rams in Atlanta for the trophy. Some people will be watching the game. Some people will be watching the ads. 

Enjoying a Cup of Coffee

Howard Schultz is considering a run for the White House. The former chairman and chief executive officer of Starbucks Coffee Company also has a new book.  With From the Ground Up, Schultz writes two interwoven narratives of a conflicted boyhood in Brooklyn and a behind-the-scenes look at his unconventional efforts to challenge old notions about the role of business in society. Town Hall and Seattle Theater Group is presenting him at the Moore Theatre on January 31 at 7:30.