Dec 11, 2020 | Fermata Residency, Fermata Subscriber Exclusive, Video
In this subscriber-only video Joshua performs (both cello and voice) and intimate rendition of Hallelujah.
Dec 10, 2020 | Editorial, Guest Contributor, Town Crier
Community and relationships have never been as important as they are right now. It does seem weird to say since I have not been able to shake someone’s hand in over 9 months, unless you count my new office mate Gus (he’s a dog—he’s not a good assistant, but he is a...
Dec 9, 2020 | Fermata Residency, Fermata Subscriber Exclusive, Video
From “Quartet for the End of Time” to pieces written this year in response to the pandemic, and stops in between, four local chamber musicians and Joshua himself consider the feeling of time being stretched or displaced, an occurrence that is all too familiar these...
Dec 4, 2020 | Fermata Residency, Town Crier, Video
Joshua has left Seattle for a trip to San Francisco to take care of some project deadlines. But the Fermata residency continues and Joshua gives a small preview of the final culmination feature event on 12/11. View more Fermata updates >
Dec 2, 2020 | Fermata Residency, Fermata Subscriber Exclusive, Video
In this experimental interview, Joshua talks with long-time Town Music collaborator Aaron Grad. They use musical improvisation to deepen connection and inspire openness, and discuss what it means to ‘be present’ and how difficult it is to accept help from...