Welcome to the first installment of Poets in the Pews – where a poet attends a Town Hall event and writes a poem about the experience afterwards.
Maia Ruth Pody, an 11th grader at the Center School, is a Youth Poet Laureate as part of Seattle Arts & Lectures’ Writers in the Schools (WITS). She attended Town Hall’s recent Blair Imani event where Imani discussed her new book, Modern HERstory: Stories of Women and Nonbinary People Rewriting History. You can watch the event here.
Feminist Sapphics
How were green things torn from the frozen earth? The
ice around the dirt wasn’t merely melted
by a smiling sunlight; it split apart when
thousands of hands tore
through the ground like ice picks. Behind these clawing
fingers are the fighters, the apoplectic
mothers, tired heroines. Sympathetic
characters aren’t
working for our modern subconscious. We need
new intelligentsia, ready for the
stories grown from malnourished roots that elder
women replanted
and their daughters nurtured. The expectation
wasn’t endless martyrdom, so when silence
greets those declarations of reparations
owed, we speak louder.
There will be a Seattle Youth Poet Laureate & Writers in the Schools reading on 12/3 at Elliott Bay Book Company!
The Seattle Youth Poet Laureate is a program of Seattle Arts & Lectures’ Writers in the Schools (WITS). Founded in Seattle in 2015 by WITS writers Matt Gano and Aaron Counts, the YPL program aims to identify young writers and leaders who are committed to civic and community engagement through their poetry and performance. Each year, a cohort of students work together throughout the year to share their powerful voices, leadership, and love of community at events throughout the region, and the Youth Poet Laureate also gets a book deal with Poetry NW Books to publish a collection of their poems which is released in May. Learn more, here.

Photo by Rick Sood.

Photo by Rick Sood.