What’s Your Curiosity Craving?

Jul 29, 2019 | Feature, Town Crier

At Town Hall, we often invite folks to feed their curiosities, and for our Homecoming Festival, we’re asking: what is your curiosity craving? In this series, Town Hall staffers will turn their own curiosity cravings into custom festival itineraries. Interested in sharing your own craving and the Homecoming lineup that satisfies it? Write us at communications@townhallseattle.org for the chance to be featured here. If selected, we’ll give you free tickets to your custom itinerary!

Alexander Eby, Town Hall’s staff writer, shares his itinerary:

My curiosity is craving unexpected perspectives. If you’re looking for lateral thinkers who upend established systems, check out these experts who bring us subversive strategies for bettering society and ourselves. Whether it’s rebuking propaganda in widespread media, reviving a farm by letting it go wild and overgrown, or remodeling healthcare and housing around the American tradition of the public option, these big thinkers present new takes on the way we do things. Listen in as renowned speakers like Chase Jarvis, Naomi Klein, and Jonathan Safran Foer bring us surprising and urgent ways we can change for the better—and why it’s vital that we should.

-9/2 Alex Gallo Brown: Variations of Labor

Alex Gallo-Brown shares poetry and real human stories to illustrate and combat the grind of labor in modern-day America.

-9/6 Ganesh Sitaraman: Public Options for Creating Freedom, Opportunity, and Equality

Ganesh Sitaraman explores how public options—libraries, post offices, parks, and more—can transform American civic life.

-9/10 Peter Pomerantsev: This Is Not Propaganda

Peter Pomerantsev alerts us to trends of modern propaganda, disinformation, and information warfare.

-9/23 Chase Jarvis: Following Your Creative Calling 

Local luminary Chase Jarvis shows us ways we can cultivate habits of creativity to transform our lives and deliver vitality to everything we do. 

-9/24 Naomi Klein: The Burning Case for a Green New Deal

Naomi Klein investigates the discussion of our modern climate crisis and presents her urgent case for a Green New Deal.

-9/25 Jonathan Safran Foer: Saving the Planet Begins at Breakfast

Author Jonathan Safran Foer offers us a new approach to saving the planet from climate change, starting with what we eat for breakfast.

-9/25 Timothy Faust: Single Payer Healthcare and What Comes Next

Timothy Faust advocates for the simple but practical concept of single payer healthcare—and outlines what our nation must do to get there.

-9/26 Isabella Tree: A Farm’s Return to the Wild

Travel writer Isabella Tree recounts the unique and wild process of reviving her 3,500 acre farm by letting it return to nature.

These events, and plenty more, are a part of Town Hall’s exciting Homecoming Festival happening throughout the month of September.

Tickets are on sale now!

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Rental Partner: Seattle Theatre Group presents

Colin Meloy

A Solo Performance at Town Hall