Community Feature: MIT Enterprise Forum

Sep 15, 2016 | Town Hall News

MIT Enterprise Forum Northwestmit-ef-nw-logo is one of the 75+ community organizations that Town Hall hosts each year, and their journey to Town Hall started with Board Member Mark Anderson. Mark said, “MIT Enterprise Forum had been hosting their speaking events at a number of venues around town, each with differing costs, requirements, and infrastructure. It took a lot of time and administrative overhead to select venues and manage the process. I thought Town Hall with its great support staff, outreach, seating flexibility, and catering options would be a great fit for the organization, so I reached out and made the introduction.” We are thrilled to welcome MIT Enterprise Forum Northwest to the Town Hall family!

MIT-EF Northwest is an all-volunteer nonprofit organization that’s part of a network of 28 worldwide chapters of MIT Enterprise Forum, and have been an active chapter since 1981. Believing that technology can solve big problems and do powerful things, members share a passion for making a difference in the world through technology, innovation and entrepreneurship.

Jimmy Jia, Chair of MIT-EF Northwest, offers some perspective about their programming: “Our events focus on technologies with important growth implications for our Seattle community, such as last season’s space and artificial intelligence events. We assemble national-caliber speakers and include social and networking time for audience members and speakers.”

In their 2016-17 season line-up, speakers will be exploring the possibilities of augmented humans, 3D bioprinting, nanotechnology/ molecular manufacturing, smart homes and connected cities. Says Shirley Lunde, Vice Chair, “If you’re passionate about cool and disruptive technologies, you’ll love our Innovation Forum events. We hope to see you there!”

Jimmy Jia: How Energy Gets Its Power


September 21, 7:30 pm
Downstairs at Town Hall

Augmented Humans: Stronger. Faster. Smarter

Businessman showing a superhero suit underneath machinery metal gears idea concept, isolated on white background

October 19, 7:30 pm

For more information, visit

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