Town Hall Seattle is proud to partner with Northwest Folklife this winter and spring to curate a series of Saturday Family Concert events! Through music, dance, and visual art, the series showcases...
A Big Change: Or Is It?
For as long I’ve been at Town Hall Seattle — almost 17 people years (or 119 dog years, but who’s counting?) — our organization has been defined by 1) a broad and curious program, brimming with ideas...
The Road Ahead, The Road Behind
The end of the season is always a time of reflection at Town Hall. It's unsurprising that the 2021-22 season has had its challenges and uncertainties, but times like these can also feel inspiring —...
An Easier Way to Request Accessibility Services
As many of you know, accessibility is one of Town Hall’s core tenets. We aim to provide a space that convenes community, hosts new ideas, and inspires connection for all — $5 tickets and free...
A Ticketing Reboot
As we jump into the energizing days of spring, we’re excited to unveil an important project that promises to make your Town Hall experience a whole lot breezier. From our historic building to the...
Disability in Fiction with Sarah Salcedo, John Wiswell, and Ross Showalter
On April 26th, authors John Wiswell and Ross Showalter will join our Writer-in-Residence, Sarah Salcedo, for an evening of short fiction and craft talk. Amongst other topics related to the craft of...
From the Town Hall Archives: Celebrating Black History Month
It’s Black History Month, and Town Hall invites you to deepen your knowledge of key historical figures like Fannie Lou Hamer, Phyllis Wheatley, Malcolm X, and more. The programs below are available...
Five Questions with Kiki Valera
Take a peek into the mind of Cuban virtuoso Kiki Valera, who muses on his influences, his instrument of choice, and the art of making music. Be sure to join us later in February for a live concert...
Artist-in-Residence Gretchen Yanover: Final Findings
As cellist Gretchen Yanover wraps up her time as Artist-in-Residence at Town Hall, she shares her final reflections about the beauty — and sometimes discomfort — of creation. We're delighted to have...