Getting Funky with Thaddeus Turner

Feb 20, 2019 | Feature, Town Crier, Uncategorized

Thaddeus Turner, also known as Thaddilac, is ready to rock for Town Hall and is inviting your kids to get funky. As part of Town Hall’s Saturday Family Concert series, Turner will combine the beauty of traditional soul with the power of rock on March 9 at the venerable Royal Room in Columbia City. KIDS ARE FREE (and adults are only $5). For more information and tickets go here.

Turner has become something of a Seattle institution. He’s currently the music director for the Grammy award-winning Digable Planets, is lead guitarist of Maktub, and has toured with the likes of Dave Matthews, India Arie, Lauyrn Hill, Stone Gossard, and many others. He’s also the co-founder of Totem Star, a non-profit dedicated to “amplify and empower youth voice through music production and performance to strengthen life skills in leadership, civic engagement, and community building.”

As a preview to the coming Saturday Family Concert, do you want to see him do his thing? Of course you do:

Here he is at the Columbia City Blues Festival:

Here he is rocking with Joe Doria and Scott Goodwin:

Here he is playing a cover of a Led Zeppelin song with Maktub:

 Awesome, right? Go check him out with your tots.

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