Rental Partner: Fever presents
We Call it Ballet
Sleeping Beauty
Town Hall Seattle and Yes! Media present
Media in Color people of color have been more widely represented in media in recent years, most of that media is neither created nor consumed by them — white Americans still comprise the majority of content creators and storytellers. But media makers of color are working to amplify long-silenced voices in order to advance a set of different narratives, offering stories and perspectives to counter the racism and disinformation that have dominated America’s political and cultural landscape.
In Rising Up: The Power of Narrative in Pursuing Racial Justice, award-winning journalist Sonali Kolhatkar focuses on shifting perspectives in news media, entertainment, and individual discourse.
Kolhatkar highlights the writers, creators, educators, and influencers who are successfully building a culture of affirmation and inclusion. Rising Up is Kolhatkar’s guide to narrative-setting through the lens of advancing racial justice, advocating for a reallocation of power in the media and entertainment industries to more people of color as well as a shift in public consciousness. Through this text, Kolhatkar offers a timely exploration of how truthful narratives by and about people of color can be used to advance social justice in the United States.
Kolhatkar joins us at Town Hall to discuss her book with Sunnivie Brydum, Editorial Director at YES! Media.
Rental Partner: Fever presents
Sleeping Beauty
Rental Partner: Fever presents
Sleeping Beauty
Rental Partner: Seattle Theatre Group presents
A Solo Performance at Town Hall