Enjoying a Cup of Coffee

Jan 30, 2019 | Feature, Town Crier

Howard Schultz is considering a run for the White House. The former chairman and chief executive officer of Starbucks Coffee Company also has a new book.  With From the Ground Up, Schultz writes two interwoven narratives of a conflicted boyhood in Brooklyn and a behind-the-scenes look at his unconventional efforts to challenge old notions about the role of business in society. Town Hall and Seattle Theater Group is presenting him at the Moore Theatre on January 31 at 7:30.

The event is FREE. You can learn more and register for the event here.

Coffee has been a large part of Schultz’s history and coffee has been a part of Seattle’s culture for much longer. Take, for instance, an August 30, 1919 story in the Town Crier. In a story entitled “Ideal Breakfasts” the writer tells us, in no uncertain terms, the proper way to enjoy a cup of joe…

Coffee, of course, is the proper accompaniment for this morning feast, as it is for any well-ordered breakfast. There should be a small pot of it, just enough for two cupfuls. A Hoover portion of sugar is enough, and it always has been enough, in peace times as in war. Only a perverted, or a juvenile, taste can stand a dose of syrup first thing in the morning, and one must be a lumberman or a deep-sea sailor to enjoy coffee sweetened with brown sugar or molasses. The nicely judged allowance of sugar should first go into the cup, the hot coffee being poured over it until the cup is about four-fifths filled. Then you add the cream, cold, until the blend is a delicate amber brown. ‘Two-thirds hot milk,’ Indeed! Such pap not for grown persons. If the coffee itself is as hot as it should be, hot milk is not necessary, and anyway it is an abomination.

Drink your coffee – APPROPRIATELY – and we’ll see you soon at the Howard Schultz event.

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