A Klaas Act

Mar 21, 2019 | Feature, Town Crier, Video

The sounds of South African Township music will emanate from Rainier Arts Center on March 29, when the legendary Lorraine Klaasen performs as part of Town Hall’s Global Rhythm Series.

Buy your tickets now.

Lorraine Klaasen is the daughter of the famed South African jazz singer Thandie Klaasen. Lorraine is one of the few South African artists who have preserved the classic sound of Township music and continues to be one of the most distinctive sounds to come out of South Africa.

Born and raised in Soweto, Klaasen was influenced by South Africa’s musical giants of the 1950s and 1960s, such as Miriam Makeba, Dolly Rathebe, Dorothy Masuka, Sophie Mgcina and Busi Mholongo.

Klaasen’s CD, A Tribute to Miriam Makeba, won the 2013 Juno Award for World Music Album of the Year. Klaasen now calls Montreal home.

Here is Klaasen performing George Gershwin:

Here is Klaasen performing at the Festival International de Jazz de Montreal:

Here she is paying tribute to Makeba:

Celebrate the best of South African music with Lorraine Klaasen on Friday, March 29.

Tickets are on sale now.

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