Gerri and Robert Haynes
We are so grateful for our Loyalty Members (our supporters with at least three consecutive years of Town Hall membership). Your loyal support sustains Town Hall year after year and is more critical than ever as we prepare for our upcoming renovation! It is our pleasure to highlight two of these supporters: Gerri and Robert Haynes, Town Hall Gold Level Loyalty members.
What drew you to Town Hall and made you want to become members?
Nowhere else in Seattle have we found the diversity and depth of discussions found here at Town Hall—we love the range of speakers and topics, offering Seattle important information through enlightening and entertaining programs.
You’ve been donating to Town Hall since 2002. What keeps you coming back year-after-year?
We want to sustain Town Hall and support the whole process—it is so important for the spirit of Seattle.
What has been a highlight or particularly memorable experience you’ve had at Town Hall?
Just walking into the venue, greeting the curious mind of the participants, is great—and going to the receptions and meeting with the speakers is a treat!