Happy New Year

Dec 31, 2018 | Feature, Town Crier

Many Seattle homes were open on New Year’s Day in 1912, according to the December 28, 1912 edition of the Town Crier. Miss Helen Starr, on 1208 Marion Street, the Crier noted, will give “an at home to the maids and bachelors of her acquaintance from three until six o’clock.” Mrs. Hugh M. Caldwell, living on Tenth Avenue, “will be hostess at an egg-nog from three to five.” Miss Katherine Jackson had invitations out “for a dance to be given at her home on Thirteenth Avenue.” Not to be outdone on the egg nog front, “Mrs. James E. Blackwell and her daughter, Miss Lenore Blackwell, will receive tomorrow afternoon from three to seven o’clock at an egg-nog.” Mrs. J.A.M. Hemmeon also had an egg nog. There were other egg nogs that day, too.

Seattle, in 1912, was flooded with egg nog! There were egg nog parties! People opened their homes for “an egg nog.” In those homes, they drank egg nog! The festivities were undoubtedly merry, bright, and eggy. Here’s a brief history of the holiday drink.

You’re also probably asking yourself right now: What are some of the best places in Seattle to get egg nog these days? Here’s a good start.

In the same issue 1912 issue of the Crier was this poem, “To Those Who Deserve”:

Thanks to those who most deserve
My thanks; where’er they be;
Whose loyal friendships did not swerve
Throughout the year, from me.

Thanks be to those who ever smiled
Their words of honest praise.
Who, by their sympathy, beguiled
The sorrows of my days.

To those who loved – who love me still –
With comradeship sincere,
My thanks I give with hearty will,
Their own brave hearst to cheer.

Happy New Year, comrades. Town Hall thanks you for this year and looks forward to seeing you in the next!

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