Heartbreak Cabaret
Celebrating the Chaos of Love with Songs by Local Artists
Rental Partner: Northwest EcoBuilding Guild presents
10 Speakers, 10 Minutes, 10 Slides
Ten innovative, sustainable, high-performance “green” buildings that push the envelope in our built environment. Fast-paced project presentations ranging from dialed-in smaller but impactful solutions to hard-core multi-family or mixed-use developments within the Pacific NW.
An all-volunteer Jury made up of green-building peers, experts, and enthusiasts from a variety of disciplines, will select 10 presentations from submitted projects. Presentations should focus on telling the story of the green or sustainable theme of a member’s work, based on a project, building system, client, theory, site, or business model. Projects may be submitted whether they have been completed or not. Projects that were submitted last year but did not become finalists or could not present for other reasons are eligible to be submitted again this year.
Presented by Northwest EcoBuilding Guild. For questions about this event, please contact nwgreen@ecobuilding.org.
Celebrating the Chaos of Love with Songs by Local Artists
Rental Partner: Fever presents
Sleeping Beauty in a Dazzling Light Show
Rental Partner: Fever presents
Sleeping Beauty