Town Hall Seattle and Seattle Public Library present
Jesse Hagopian with Dr. Ayva Thomas and Wayne Au
Teach Truth — Unbanning Books in Public Schools
Rental Partner: University of Washington Office of Public Lectures
Building Scyborgs: An Evening on Decolonization
Presented by the University of Washington Office of Public Lectures. For questions about this event, please contact or call (206) 543-5900.
Monsters, machines, and mortals, we are the objects of colonization, and perhaps, we can be the agents of decolonization too. Join scholar, organizer, and co-conspirator K. Wayne Yang as he shares stories about decolonizing endeavors from past, present, future, and speculative somewheres. How do we bend our own complicity in colonial institutions to forward Indigenous, Black, queer, and Other futures locally and globally? Come ready to consider your own scyborg powers and plans.
K. Wayne Yang writes about decolonization and everyday epic organizing, often with his frequent collaborator, Eve Tuck, and sometimes for an avatar called la paperson. Drs. Tuck and Yang wrote Decolonization is not a metaphor, and they edit the book series, Indigenous and Decolonizing Studies in Education. Writings by la paperson include the book A Third University is Possible. Currently, he and Eve Tuck are convening the Land Relationships Super Collective with several Indigenous, Black, and people of color-led community organizations engaged in land-based projects. Dr. Yang is also Provost of Muir College and Professor in ethnic studies at UC San Diego, where he co-founded the Indigenous Futures Institute and Black Like Water.
Learn more about the University of Washington Office of Public Lectures Series here.
Town Hall Seattle and Seattle Public Library present
Teach Truth — Unbanning Books in Public Schools
Rental Partner: Seattle Arts & Lectures presents
"James" — Reimagining and American Classic
Rental Partner: University of Washington Office of Public Lectures presents
Blending America’s Rural and Urban Music Traditions