The historic moulding in the Great Hall is in terrific shape for its age. A few pieces require some restoration, and those that we’re unable to repair will be fully replicated.
Bright, Shiny, and Clean
All four sides of Town Hall feature this unique terra cotta facade, and they’ll each be getting a thorough cleaning and restoration over the course of the renovation.
From Paperwork to Private Events
We’re transforming our former admin offices into a brand new intimate performance and reception space.
View from the Top
The stained glass windows in our Great Hall have been fully removed and taken offsite for restoration, leaving us with an unconventional view of the changing leaves. It’s remarkable how quickly the renovation has changed the look of our familiar building, and there’s still so much more to go.
Robot on the Stairs
The vomitorium from our lobby level to the Great Hall remained unused due to safety concerns. Although this stairway certainly lent some charm to the lobby, with the help of this excavator, we’d much rather use the space for adding 17 accessible new restrooms on the ground floor!
Behind Bars
This sturdy rebar frame will be filled with concrete to thicken and reinforce our historic walls as part of our seismic stabilization efforts! The building is currently unreinforced masonry, so the importance of earthquake-proofing cannot be overstated.
Underground Shenanigans
Our friends at RAFN construction discovered the remains of Town Hall’s old heating system while digging into the basement level. Makes us glad we’ll be installing our new climate control system somewhere a little less spooky.
Stained to Perfection
The stained glass from our windows in the Great Hall is being removed for refurbishing. It’s unusual to see the Great Hall without those lively panes, but we’re excited to see how they look when they return to us restored!
Terra Cotta Scaffold
This scaffold sprung up around our building so that our friends at Pioneer Masonry can begin restoration work on our historic terra cotta facade.