What Are People Doing?

Every week the Town Crier blog will look back at Seattle’s near-forgotten Town Crier magazine to see what was happening then and talk about what’s happening now. One of the largest sections of the original Town Crier was “What People Are Doing,” highlighting things like, “The alluring call of the open has been too fascinating for hostesses to plan indoor amusements,” and, “The National Society of the Colonial Dames of America will unveil the table of General Robert E. Lee at Ravenna Park on Saturday.” In this series we’re revisiting the old column and tying it to our community’s current happenings, asking: “what are people doing?”

Today’s entry…

In the June 7, 1913 edition of the Town Crier, Mrs. John Q. Mason offered “Little Helps to Character Building.” One of those little helps: reading good books.

“Teach your child to love good books,” she demanded. “Any child can be initiated into the delights of reading and if a taste for books of the right sort is cultivated at an early age a potent influence is thereby created for the building of character.”

Town Hall could not agree more, Mrs. John Q. Mason!

Some great bookstores in the Seattle area that builds character in tots:

Ada’s Technical Books and Cafe

Book Larder

Elliott Bay Book Company

Phinney Books

Third Place Books

University Bookstore

Happy cultivating!

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