Rental Partner: Puget Sound Symphony Orchestra presents
What We Can Find Outside of Our Comfort Zone
Note: Town Hall events are approximately 75 minutes long.
Do you ever find yourself holding back instead of taking a risk? There can be many reasons for erring on the safe side, as well as barriers that make it more difficult –– or daunting –– to pursue our goals. But Chase Jarvis, award-winning photographer and co-founder of online community and education platform CreativeLive, suggests that the safe path is not necessarily the better one, and that greater fulfillment can be found in building a deeper knowledge of self and facing our fears.
Jarvis, also a bestselling author who hails from Seattle, has spent years engaging in conversation with big-name entrepreneurs, artists, athletes, and performers, listening to them share insights into their lives and successes. What he has gleaned from these connections and mined from his own experiences helped shape his new book Never Play It Safe: A Practical Guide to Freedom, Creativity, and a Life You Love.
Never Play it Safe posits that staying in our comfort zones does everyone a disservice, invites readers to become more bold and authentic, and challenges the idea that we can reach our fullest potential by settling for the safe side.
Chase Jarvis is an award-winning artist, an entrepreneur, a bestselling author, and one of the most influential photographers of the past twenty years. As a lifelong creative pioneer, he’s crafted campaigns for Apple, Nike, and over one hundred other iconic brands. He’s also an Emmy-nominated director, the author of Creative Calling, and the host of the Chase Jarvis LIVE podcast, which has over fifty million downloads. Previously, Chase was founder and CEO of CreativeLive, which boasted more than $100 million in revenue and a public-company acquisition track record.
Presented by Town Hall Seattle.
Rental Partner: Puget Sound Symphony Orchestra presents
Rental Partner: Seattle Festival Orchestra presents
A Musical Journey of Beauty and Triumph
Rental Partner: Josephine Howell presents
Celebrating the Musicians of Puget Sound