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Ron Wyden with Liz Berry

The Wyncote NW Forum 1119 8th Ave (Entrance off Seneca St.), Seattle

“If you want to make change, you’ve got to make noise.” A call to action in the political sense conveys boldness and focus. It’s about drawing attention and speaking loudly about one’s convictions, with a sense of urgency and persistence. To longtime outspoken advocate and US Senator Ron Wyden, that’s what you’d call chutzpah – […]

$10 - $35 Sliding Scale

An Evening with Kelsey McKinney

The Great Hall 1119 Eighth Avenue (enter on Eighth Avenue), Seattle

Can you keep a secret? As the pandemic forced us to socialize at a distance, Kelsey McKinney was mourning the juicy updates, jaw-dropping stories, and idle chatter that she’d typically collect over drinks with friends, encouraging her to create the blockbuster Normal Gossip podcast. With listenership in the millions and gossip quickly becoming her day job, Kelsey […]

$7 – $115