Town Hall Seattle and Northwest Center for Creative Aging present
Erika Crichton with Rebecca Crichton
Here’s to the Future! An Intergenerational Conversation about Aging
Rental Partner: Ni Tan Tarde Productions presents
El Gocho de Oro
Este evento se presentará en Español. / This event is presented in Spanish.
Victor Medina, mejor conocido como Nanutria, es uno de los comediantes venezolanos más queridos de la actualidad. Se ha labrado una carrera artística admirable en el mercado latinoamericano y se ha ganado el respeto de grandes figuras del humor argentino, país donde reside actualmente. Cuenta con una base de fieles seguidores y admiradores que no se pierden su podcast El Súper Increíble Podcast de Nanutria, ni el podcast Aislados en el que comparte micrófono con tres comediantes argentinos. Su estilo inigualable se caracteriza por ser honesto, espontáneo y sencillo
EL GOCHO DE ORO: Es una gira de Stand Up de Víctor Medina Nanutria, en donde presenta nuevos chistes, nuevas anécdotas y nuevas ocurrencias. Por más de una hora les hará pasar un buen rato, logrará que se rían de las miserablesas de la vida y que se sientan orgullosos de ser latinos.
Presentado por Producciones Ni Tan Tarde. Este evento se presentará en Español.
Victor Medina, better known as Nanutria, is one of the most beloved Venezuelan comedians today. He has carved out an admirable artistic career in the Latin American market and has earned the respect of great figures of Argentine humor, the country where he currently resides. He has a base of faithful followers and admirers who do not miss his podcast The Super Incredible Podcast of Nanutria, nor the podcast Isolated in which he shares a microphone with three Argentine comedians. His unique style is characterized by being honest, spontaneous and simple.
EL GOCHO DE ORO is a Stand Up tour by Víctor Medina Nanutria, where he presents new jokes, new anecdotes and new witticisms. For more than an hour, have a good time, laugh at the miserable things in life, and feel proud to be Latino.
Presented by Ni Tan Tarde Productions LLC. This event is presented in Spanish.
Town Hall Seattle and Northwest Center for Creative Aging present
Here’s to the Future! An Intergenerational Conversation about Aging
Playworld: A Novel
Town Hall Seattle and Dent the Future present
Sharing Space: An Astronaut’s Guide to Mission, Wonder and Making Change