Rental Partner: Fever presents
Candlelight Concert
Tribute to Queen and More
Rental Partner: Hedgebrook presents
2023 Songwriters Showcase
For 35 years, Hedgebrook has been uplifting the voices of women-identified writers across creative mediums. Hedgebrook is overjoyed to close out such an eventful year of women authoring change with this final bash and anniversary celebration! Join us as we delight in the work of our illustrious alumnae songwriters with live music, snacks, signature cocktails, and more.
December 1, 2023
The Forum | Town Hall Seattle
5:30 PM | Doors
6:00 PM | Program
Featuring Hedgebrook Songwriting Alumnae:
Presented by Hedgebrook. If you have questions about the event, please contact Hedgebrook directly at
Rental Partner: Fever presents
Tribute to Queen and More
Rental Partner: Fever presents
Best of Metal
Rental Partner: Fever presents
Valentine's Day