Rental Partner: Seattle Arts & Lectures, Ted Chiang, and Clarion West present
Audrey Tang
How to Align Technology with Democracy
Rental Partner: Inspire Washington presents
King County and Seattle Candidates convene at Inspire Washington’s Cultural Sector Forums.
SEATTLE – Three candidates’ forums in two weeks hosted by Inspire Washington will provide general election contenders the opportunity to outline their plans for restoring, supporting, and expanding the region’s cultural arts, heritage, and natural science fields.
The King County Council Cultural Candidate Forum will be held on September 22nd, 7:00pm and the Seattle City Council Cultural Candidate Forums will be held over two evenings, October 3rd (districts 2,3 and 5) and October 4th (districts 1,4,6, and 7), both beginning at 7:00pm.
King County:
• District 2: Girmay Zahilay
• District 4: Jorge Baron & Sarah Reyneveld
• District 6: Claudia Balducci
• District 8: Teresa Mosqueda & Sofia Aragon
Questions for the candidates will be prepared by a diverse array of cultural leaders to focus on specific needs, areas for growth, and threat mitigation. The forums will feature performances from local artists between moderated sessions with the candidates. In-person audience participation is encouraged but all events will be livestreamed. The venue is ADA accessible, and the event will be close captioned.
All events are free and open to the public. For more information and to register, visit
Presented by Inspire Washington.
Rental Partner: Seattle Arts & Lectures, Ted Chiang, and Clarion West present
How to Align Technology with Democracy
Capitalism In Healthcare
Rental Partner: Fever presents
Tribute to Queen and More